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Kathryn is passionate about creating workplaces that help employees perform optimally while staying well. Her extensive leader and team coaching experience, together with her contribution to organisational psychology, led to her being awarded the status of Fellow by the Australian Psychological Society.

Kath McEwen

Kathryn is a global thought leader on workplace resilience and has authored three books on this topic. Drawing on her extensive experience as an psychologist, coach, leader and mediator she developed the Resilience at Work Toolkit – the World’s first set of integrated assessments to systemically build resilience. Accredited by the International Coaching Federation an used by coaches across 17 countries and in all industry sectors, this work is making a real difference in people’s working lives.

Whilst not an academic, Kathryn’s resilience assessments have informed more than 150 university studies and her publications currently rate in the top 13% for research interest. She sits on the industry advisory boards of university research centres, enabling her passion for bridging the evidence-practice divide.

More recently, Kathryn founded Click – an innovative team app and platform that blends tech, science, real-time data and powerful questions to help teams sustainably work better together in challenge, change and uncertainty. Her vision, through Click, is to democratise and scale team coaching across organisations.

  • Registered Organisational Psychologist
  • Graduate Diploma in Organisational Psychology, Curtin University
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours in Psychology), University of Western Australia
  • Graduate Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Diploma in Freelance Journalism

Accreditations /
  • Fellow, Association for Coaching
  • Fellow, Australian Psychological Society (APS)
  • Member, APS College of Organisational Psychologists
  • Founding Member, APS Interest Group in Coaching Psychology
  • Member, Resolution Institute
  • Member, Advisory Board. Centre for Workplace Excellence, University of South Australia
  • Member, Governing Board People & Culture. Central Adelaide Local Health Network
  • Past member, SA Health Practitioners Tribunal
  • Accredited under the National Mediator Accreditation System
  • Resilience at Work (RAW)
  • Extensive experience with design and use of psychometrics ranging from personality, strengths and interests through to leadership style, team effectiveness and 360 assessment.



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