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Leadership Development - No Picture


Decades of success at the top of international business.

Peoplemax has been improving leadership capability at scale for a long time.

We are dedicated to understanding and addressing leadership challenges in fundamental, systemic ways, leading to more impactful and sustainable solutions that have organisation-wide benefits, as evidenced below.

Team Effectivness (1)-1

How it works.

What many providers won't tell you is that most leadership development programs fail.


Because the vast majority of the content is irrelevant to participants, or at best, only conceptually interesting. Very little of it is tailored to the unique, ever changing needs of participants.

In addition, stimulating meaningful behaviour change at scale is notoriously difficult.

Peoplemax resolves these challenge by creating programs that sit to the right of the below scale:


Offsite Methodolgy (7 x 4 in) (2)

Case Study: Telegraph Media Group

In 2023, The UK Telegraph Media Group sought Peoplemax's help for a 'Women in Leadership' initiative. Despite The Telegraph's impressive growth - doubling profits, a 570% rise in digital subscriptions, and a bigger editorial team - the company faced challenges with gender representation in senior roles.

Step 1

Diagnostic Phase

We began by interviewing the Executive Team and 20 of the most senior female leaders.

The feedback, combined with insights from the CEO and Editor-in-Chief, revealed that the root causes of the gender imbalance at senior levels was more complex than expected, needing a broader, more systemic approach.

Step 2

Program Development

Based on the findings of our initial assessment an internal Steering Committee was formed, consisting of both genders, participants and non-participants. This group worked with Peoplemax to design a program that tackled real-world issues and gained strong internal support.

A key design decision was to include the Executive Team as program sponsors, rather than just the 20 female executives. Their role was to act as program stewards, ensuring engagement across the organisation.

Step 3

Systemic Approach

The program was designed not just to empower women but to strengthen the overall organisation.

It included leadership retreats and individual coaching for all participants and key Executive Team members. Each participant was also paired with an Executive Sponsor, who joined 2 out of the 5 coaching sessions.

This approach aimed to foster leadership skills across genders, enhancing the company's overall leadership capability.

Step 4

Undeniable Outcomes

Within just 9 months, gender representation at senior levels improved and the gender pay gap decreased.

The 20 participants initiated an organisational wide culture change program called "Telegraph Together'. This consisted of an:

1. Innovation Hub - involving cross functional teams working on key issues facing the business
2. Internal Communications Campaign - to improve transparency and openness within the business
3. Dynamic Working - to accommodate the needs of various groups and drive greater engagement.

What our clients say.

Working with Amos and the team at Peoplemax on our Women in Leadership Program over the past year has been an absolute pleasure. The energy and focus that Amos brings to running interactive development workshops with participants is transformative.  Our hugely talented cohort were always talented, but not only do they now truly believe they are, they are working together on issues which genuinely add value to our business, as well as delivering plans to grow the next generation of female leaders within our organisation.
Anna Jones CEO, Telegraph Media Group


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